How to Handle Dance Audition Rejection

We are sharing the proper steps in dealing with rejection after professional dance auditions. How to handle rejection, how to overcome rejection, and how to best move forward in your pro dance journey.

You did not get a spot on your dream dance team or cheerleading team this season and you are wondering, “How do you deal with a dance audition rejection.”

Hearing “NO” at

Pro dance & cheer Auditions

In the professional dance world, rejection is a part of the package - whether we like it or not. Becoming an NBA Dancer or an NFL Cheerleader is a journey that takes hard work, persistency, and being able to hear the word “no” multiple times without giving up on your dance dreams.

Looking at some of your favorite dance and cheerleading teams, you would be surprised to know that most of those dancers had to audition multiple times before earning a spot on the team. Some professional dancers have auditioned for pro dance teams between two and six times before they received their spot on the team.

Maintaining your composure and confidence, especially in the face of rejection, can be defeating. You are faced with countless emotions and a gruesome feeling that can be near impossible to shake. We are going to walk you through how to handle these emotions and a devastating rejection in the ways that the future professional dancer in you, would be proud of.

Just like everything in life, there is alway a way to put a positive spin on your situation. It will start with your mentality, understanding that becoming a professional dancer is a journey that will be filled with rejection and obstacles - as much as it will be filled with accomplishment. You have to keep going and take the obstacles as they come, knowing that the end goal will be worth the prize of one day hearing your number called.

The process to overcoming dance audition rejection starts now and step one is to trust the process and the timing of your life. Do not give up. Be sad for a moment and then make a plan on how you are going to show up even better at your next dance audition.

Dealing with “NO” while at Dance Auditions

There are always moments in the pro dance audition process where cuts are made, whether it be the first day or the final day. This moment is full of countless emotions but it is important to stay confident and provide yourself with self-love talk, whether you make it past dance cuts or not.

As numbers or names are announced, be happy for those that are progressing around you. Smile and clap for the talented women and/or men that are making the next round or the final dance team.

When the moment comes where you realize your number has not been called, give yourself a smile and quick round of applause for taking the leap of faith in showing up for your dream - no matter how far you made it.

Do not storm out of the dance audition or allow your emotions to overtake your demeanor. There is always someone who notices your reactions and if you plan to continue auditioning, it is vital that you stay professional. It is okay to be sad and upset but it is not okay to overreact and become emotional at auditions. Trust the process and have faith in your own personal dance journey.

When the time is right, grab your belongings and professionally exit the vicinity - congratulating those around you on your way out.

  1. Do Not Take it Personally

It is easy to be faced with rejection and think, “I am not good enough to make it as a professional dancer.”

Before coming to your own conclusions, it is important to remember that you do not have the answer as to why you did not make the team. Hearing “no” at pro dance and cheer auditions does not always reflect your performance in the dance audition or your overall dance abilities. There are so many aspects that are considered in pro dance auditions, so it is important to not over analyze and understand that there are many reasons beyond dance ability as to why you may have not made the team this season.

2. Do Not Compare Yourself

It can be hard not to compare yourself to the other dancers around you - both at auditions or in-relation to the final dance team. But it is important to remember that every professional dancer has their own personal journey to getting to where they are now. In that moment, you may be looking at the perfect NBA Dancer or NFL Cheerleader, but maybe when they were where you are now - they were dealing with the same outcomes. The dancer that you are comparing yourself to in that moment, may have had to audition multiple times to get to where they are.

Be confident in yourself and know that this audition was just a part of your journey, and soon, you may be the dancer that someone else is comparing themselves to. Trust the journey, do not compare yourself to other dancers, and never forget your worth.

3. Validate your Emotions

After you have left the vicinity of where the audition was held, give yourself the leisure of feeling your emotions. You took the chance to show up to dance auditions only to hear you did not make the cut this season. This is a devastating feeling so allow yourself the time to shed a few tears and cope with the momentary rejection. Give yourself a day or two to be sad before picking your head up and moving forward.

4. Self Care

Now that you have allowed yourself to feel all of the emotions that stemmed from not hearing your audition number called this season, you need to prioritize doing things that bring you happiness. Self care is extremely important up until you decide that you are ready to get back to dance. Go out with your friends, plan a movie night, prepare for a vacation. Anything that will bring you joy and take your mind out of auditions until the emotions have settled.

Something that always helped me during dance auditions, was to plan a trip (or something I looked forward to) following audition announcements. If you do not make the team then you have something lined up to distract you from negative emotions.

5. Self Reflection

Now that you have kept your composure while at dance team auditions, felt your emotions, and continued practicing self care until your emotions have settled - it is time to start reflecting on preparation for next season’s dance auditions. Do not allow the obstacle of “no” deter you from accomplishing your lifelong goal of becoming a professional dancer. You need to reflect on everything that you have learned in this past audition in order to figure out what you can work on to show up better next season.

After a few days have passed, reach out to the director for audition feedback and thank them for their time. You may not always receive a response but it is still important to show your respect for the dance opportunity they provided and see if they have any personal feedback that you can work on.

6. Strategize

Now that you are starting to feel better and coping with your audition emotions, you can start moving forward with dance training. Get back out there and put the work in early so that you are even more prepared when you show up next season. Something you may not realize is that you already have the upper-hand at the next audition, as the judging panel will remember you. Work on the areas you may have needed improvement and the judging panel will see the work you put in from the previous audition. That kind of work ethic will take you further in this industry than you think. Have a positive mindset and make a plan that will have you showing up to next year’s dance audition with the confidence to make the team.

Here are some ways to begin strategizing and preparing for professional dance team auditions:

13 Things to Prepare for Dance Auditions

7. Keep Showing Up

New Orleans Pelicans - Dance Auditions

Lastly, is the reminder to continue showing up and never give up on your dreams. Dance audition rejection can be the hardest pill to swallow, but it will make you stronger, more experienced, and more humble for the dance opportunities to come. Find the positives out of each experience and have a positive attitude as you continue along your personal pro dance journey. If some of the greatest NFL Cheerleaders and NBA Dancers gave up after they were turned down (sometimes multiple times), we would not have some of the biggest icons in the pro dance world today.

Keep your head held high, have the mentality to continue training, and prepare to enter your next audition with the confidence that you have what it takes to be a part of your dream team.

If you have not been told yet - congratulations on showing up in the first place. After all, that is the hardest part.

Overcoming “No” as a returning cheerleader

“I hope this interview will provide some love/guidance to others who have been told ‘no’ in the past or during recent auditions.”

There is the chance that you may not hear your number called as a returning dancer or cheerleader. Veteran dancers also have the chance of hearing “no” at professional dance auditions.

Hear from former 2-year NFL cheerleader, rachael, as she shares her journey of overcoming audition rejection and how she coped with not making the team as a veteran cheerleader.

Xo, The Sideline Secrets